New Mathematical Justification of Reinin's Criteria on the Basis of Talanov's Model
socionics, Reinin's criteria, Talanov's model, extratimness, introtimness, mathematical justification of socionic model, mathematical socionics, mathematical justification of Reinin's criteriaAbstract
Operational mathematical language is introduced. On the basis of Reinin's mathematical tools and the model "T" (Talanov V. L.) author introduces the additional operator-criterion extra-intro-timness, the base four initial criteria is corrected to: extra-intro-version, extra-intro-timness, logic-ethics, intuition-sensing. On this base same Reinin's criteria (PR)+1 are received by a way of multiplication. For each criterion obtained definable expression, revealing the meaning of the criterion. Moreover, ratio-irratio-nality it appeared a derivative criterion, instead of primary. The formulas obtained in theory allow to display semantic content of the PR. New formulas show, that -version and -timness are operating modes of the main functions (logic, ethics, intuition, sensing). All Reinin's criteria can be characterized through functions and modes of their work.
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