How does the perception of the world depending on the "mask"
socionics, TIM, informational metabolism, "mask", communicative model, TIM distortion, psychological problems and challenges, intertype relationsAbstract
"Masks" may cause harm or benefit to its owner, depending on who controls the "mask" or man. The article describes the experience of conscious "putting on" and "removal" of "masks" temporary transfer accents attention and information processing in the region of strong functions of other TIMs. The author shares his feelings with such "transition". The paper presents examples of how the author managed to feel deeply sensing, logic and introversion, as the nature of the intuitive-ethical extrovert. You can learn to activate these feelings , depending on your needs. The author shows that it is necessary to do in order to "put on" over "mask" temporarily, as a communication model, how to control its manifestations. Also she raises the important question of how to "remove" off the "mask" without letting it "to increment" and harm the psyche.
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