About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The publication features the best classic and contemporary papers on psychology, socionics and allied sciences:

  • psychological complementarities and compatibilities of human beings;
  • typology and psychology of personality;
  • scientific prognostication of interpersonal relationships development;
  • intra-family problems;
  • children’s age-specific development, upbringing and education;
  • conflict management;
  • choosing life partner;
  • informational structure of human psyche;
  • psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, personality problem solving;
  • historical and socio-political problems;
  • mentality of societies, ethnicities and states, objective laws of their interactions;
  • instructional materials on socionics and psychology.

Peer Review Process

Scientific articles submitted to the journal are reviewed.

The journal has the following types of reviewing articles:

  1. main editor peer review;
  2. open peer review by an external specialist of the relevant scientific profile;
  3. single-blind review by one of the members of the editorial board (the reviewer knows about the author, the author doesn’t review the reviewer);
  4. double-blind review (both of them do not know about each other).

The decision on the selection of the type of review is made by the chief editor or his deputy.

The editorial board may submit articles for additional external anonymous review.

Terms of reviewing in each case are determined taking into account the creation of conditions for the most rapid publication of the article, but not more than 4 weeks.

The review should unambiguously characterize the theoretical or applied significance of the research, relate the author’s conclusions to existing scientific concepts, and include the reviewer’s personal contribution to the solution of the problem under consideration. It is advisable to note in the review the conformity of the style, logic and availability of the presentation of the material, as well as to draw a conclusion about the reliability and validity of the author’s conclusions.

The decision on the possibility of publication after reviewing is made by the chief editor, and if necessary, by the editorial board as a whole. On the basis of the decision taken, a letter is sent to the author (authors) by e-mail or by mail informing them of the decision taken on the publication of his article. In case of refusal to publish, reviewers remain anonymous.

The editors reserve the right to reject articles in the event of the inability or unwillingness of the author to take into account the wishes of the editorial board.

If there are substantial criticisms of the reviewer and with a general positive recommendation, the editorial board may classify the material as polemical and print it in the manner of scientific discussion.

Journal History

Journal is registered by Ministry of Press and Information of Ukraine 6/19/2002 
Registration Number 6251, series KB

Target audience: everyone interested in psychology, self-actualization, self-development, problems of interpersonal attitudes and relations, nurture and education; psychologists, sociologists, teachers/educators, social workers, HR and PR specialists, tutors and students of higher educational establishments (colleges, universities, etc.)