The successful sale of the goods in the context of dichotomies logic / ethics, sensing / intuition on an example of a tea shop


  • Victoria Kamenskaya


socionics, sales, service, marketing, presentation, goods, tea, coffee, dichotomies, logic, ethic, sensory, intuition


The process of the sale of goods on the example of the actual tea shop of a large Russian network with socionics knowledge is described. The author uses the approach described in this paper and it will be useful for other tea-consultants and the sales consultants in other spheres.


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How to Cite

Kamenskaya, V. (2014). The successful sale of the goods in the context of dichotomies logic / ethics, sensing / intuition on an example of a tea shop. Management and Personnel: Psychology of Management, Socionics and Sociology, (9-10), 5–15. Retrieved from


