Neo-totalitarianism is a threat to society: socio-psychological aspects


  • Vasyl Peleshko


totalitarian group, suppression of personality, totalitarianism, suggestion, intimidation, zombification, socionic type, totalitarian sect


The phenomenon of a totalitarian group is considered, which should be understood as a community united by a common worldview, rituals and way of life, which is characterized by the control of the ruling elite over all spheres of life of individual individuals. The forms of totalitarian groups, methods of their influence on adherents, as well as the qualities and properties of their leaders and their predominant socionic types are described. The ways of getting out from under the influence of a totalitarian group and the methods of society's struggle against the influence and spread of these groups are considered.


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How to Cite

Peleshko, V. (2023). Neo-totalitarianism is a threat to society: socio-psychological aspects. Management and Personnel: Psychology of Management, Socionics and Sociology, (1-2), 44–48. Retrieved from


