Career counseling through the prism of intuitive-logical introvert type


  • A. V. Ionas


socionics, career counseling, type of informational metabolism, personality development, personality types, strong functions, weak functions, TUAI.


The article is devoted to the application of socionics in determining career counseling according to the sociotype on a specific example of intuitive-logical introvert (TP). The article considers the place of socionics in TUAI (typology of abstract intelligence levels) according to Y. Feldman, shows the distinctive and common features of socionic career counseling (small groups, A-model ) and psychological (personality types). Lists of modern professions recommended for INTP are given.


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How to Cite

Ionas, A. V. (2021). Career counseling through the prism of intuitive-logical introvert type. Management and Personnel: Psychology of Management, Socionics and Sociology, (1-2), 26–32. Retrieved from


