The socionic analysis of the team as an effective way of solving topical issues in the work of the organization


  • V. A. Simakov


socionics, personality assessment, personality analysis of collective, intertype relations, personality culture, personality, ability of team


This article focuses on practical experience of using methods of socionic management civil consulting for example, one organization OOO «MONEY» operating in the microfinance sector of banking services. The aim of this practical experience is the possibility to measure the ability of the staff of the organization to goals and objectives, put mi head in front of the team. Multilateral analysis of collective enterprises gave a broad view on the abilities and culture of the team and prepared to head an information base for the decision of current issues in working with the team. Including in the case of mesoglea balance of intertype relations, or the threat of failure to meet goals in a collective enterprise LLC «MONEY».


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How to Cite

Simakov, V. A. (2016). The socionic analysis of the team as an effective way of solving topical issues in the work of the organization. Management and Personnel: Psychology of Management, Socionics and Sociology, (11-12), 5–19. Retrieved from


