Possible problems in a dual relationship


  • Irina Beletskaya
  • Sergei Beletsky


socionics, dual, duality archetype, codependency, problems in dual relationships


Dual relationships — complementary relationships, one of the most attractive kinds of intertype relationships in socionics. Around dual relationships there are a lot of myths. These myths often create unjustified expectations of socionic amateurs, when they want «dual happiness» without understanding an essence of information distinctions between duals. Having concentrated on search for dual and hoping to solve with dual’s help all problems, people are inclined to substitute life of type for true life, leaving further from reality and solution to real problems. In article possible problems of codependency in dual pair, when dual cares of information well-being of the partner and by that deprives of partner’s possibility of development, are described. On each of these problems short technologies of the decision are offered.


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How to Cite

Beletskaya, I., & Beletsky, S. (2012). Possible problems in a dual relationship. Management and Personnel: Psychology of Management, Socionics and Sociology, (11), 45–53. Retrieved from https://publishing.socionic.info/index.php/management/article/view/2041




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