Archetypes, C.G.Jung's Principle of Synchronicity and Phenomenon of Periodicity Human History


  • А.В. Букалов


global archetype, history, archaeology, chronology, CGJung's principle of synchronicity, uncausality, physics of consciousness, physical structure of historic time


The particular class of global synchronistic archetypes is introduced and has been considered. They affect the historical process on mental and physical level similarly to C. G. Jung's archetypes impact at the human consciousness level which result in periodicity and repetition of some historic events. These archetypes may serve as explanation of historic events coincidence paradox discovered by N.N.Morozov and A.T.Fomenko and erroneously interpreted as counterparts.


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How to Cite

Букалов, А. (2008). Archetypes, C.G.Jung’s Principle of Synchronicity and Phenomenon of Periodicity Human History. Origin of Language and Culture: Ancient History of Mankind, 2(1), 57–59. Retrieved from




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